Caught some action in Selma the other day. Seems they were doing some repair work out that way and they had a lot of traffic caught up. I even saw the juice train coming up from Florida. Cool stuff.
This was a really busy week at work so I haven't worked on the website or done anything on the blog. Not much railfanning either. Its snowing here now, kind of a dreary Saturday. I'm going to go work on the website, see if I can get some stuff done.
This weekend I spent Saturday visiting Hamlet with my brother. Hamlet is quite the railfan mecca. I saw at least 5 other people just hanging around watching the trains go by. We were probably only at the station 5 hours total and we must have seen 10-15 trains. They just kept coming and going. Its an ok place to walk around. We also went wandering in the woods west of Hamlet on the near the tracks by the Pee Dee River. That was very interesting. Our feet were caked with about 3 inches of mud and the briars were merciless. Worse so for me because I was wearing shorts. We did see two freights out there, but there isn't a good place to view the bridge. All i all a good weekend though.
I finally got the RTP Railfan radio online. I'm having some problems with the intermods that find there way into the railroad band. Its pretty good though, I've only had it online a day and I can here the Cary, NC CSX detector. I would really like to be able to hear the NS detector up in Clegg, NC but I haven't heard anything so far. I need to work more on rtprailfan now that I have the railfan radio online.
Well, I read online that some people were using Yagi antenna's for receiving talk over the AAR channels. I have two monopole antenna's but I thought I would try building a Yagi. I sort of got it working I guess but I still don't think its as good as it should be. I guess I'll give it a while and see how it does. Hopefully I can get it optimized and then I'll leave it be. I haven't worked on the site for a while because i've been wrapped up in antenna design. Hope to post some pics soon.
So I was on vacation and I haven't updated my blog in some time. I took some railfan trips, to Hamlet, Aberdeen, followed the Durham and Southern from Apex to Dunn, NC, went to Selma, NC on the old ACL mainline. It was quite a vacation. I have a ton of stuff to update with. Also, the search engine optimization we did is paying off, for some reason i'm highly ranked for "amtrak cary." I guess because of the one article I have on amtrak and Cary, NC. I went there also. I also am working on a video page but I did some stupid stuff the other night in Dreamweaver and I screwed up one of my CSS pages. I need to fix that tonight. Hope everyone had a good holiday and check out the page, I'll have new stuff soon.