I just don't write in my blog enough. To be honest, I've been out of the railfanning for a bit. I got that Traintenna in that I paid $170 for and I can't get it to work. It operates horrible and I can't find a thing wrong with it. I gave up so in the mean time I built a new computer. Its pretty nice...
Intel 8500 dual core
4 gigs ram
G260 EVGA video card
It whups my old computer. I play Crysis at 1280x1024 at very high settings with no problem. Awesome computer. So pretty much all I've been doing is gaming for about 3 weeks. My railfan setup is currently using the original radioshack vhf antenna. I've just been recording stuff, not broadcasting but i really should kick it to broadcast because i don't even listen to it....I think I'll do that now.
Gotta love remote computer....
http://www.rtprailfan.com....there is a link there to railfan radio. You just have to click that and then click on the "listen" link above...